IPC-WHMA-A-620 Class 3 Certified | Juscom INC

Developed by the IPC and the Wiring Harness Manufacturer’s Association (WHMA), the IPC/WHMA-A-620 is the industry gold standard of excellence. It provides “materials, methods, tests and acceptability criteria” for producing high-quality interconnections and other assembly activities.

The IPC/WHMA-A-620 standard sets expectations between WHMA members and their customers for what is considered acceptable quality workmanship for cables and harnesses.” - WHMA

The IPC/WHMA-A-620 standard is divided into three Electronic Product Classifications. Juscom is one of the few smaller-volume contract manufacturers who performs Class 3 production work for all customers and products. We believe adhering to a single, top quality standard reduces confusion and mistakes. In the event that an error happens, Juscom products will still meet Class 2 criteria. 

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Products suitable for applications where the major requirement is the function of the completed assembly.
Example: consumer appliances

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Products where continued performance and extended life are required, and for which uninterrupted service is desired but not critical. Typically, the end-use environment would not cause failures.
Example: televisions, home computers

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Products where continued performance or performance-on-demand is critical, equipment downtime cannot be tolerated, end-use environments may be uncommonly harsh, and the equipment must function when required, such as life support systems and other critical systems.
Example: medical device, military, anywhere high performance is paramount

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Juscom, Inc.

79 Xintai 5th Road Section 1, Unit 12-6

Xizhi, New Taipei City, Taiwan 221432