Precise Plastics Molding for Your Designs | Juscom INC

Finding a reputable toolmaker for injection molding is a complex process. High start-up costs and wide knowledge of materials, specifications, and processes are required to bring a product to life.

With over 20 years experience across a wide array of projects and industries, Juscom relies on vetted, proven toolmakers who also provide plastics injection molding services to our valued clients. We communicate with our partners and clients throughout the entire process so you can focus on product design.

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  1. While toolmaking and injection molding can be done by different vendors, Juscom partners with those who do both for optimal quality control.
  2. The machine “clamp” closes the mold, and keeps it that way during the injection process until the plastic cools.
  3. Hot plastic is injected into the mold, filling-the entire cavity for precision results.
  4. Once the plastic cools, the mold opens and the part is removed.

Plastics molding provides consistent, high-quality, affordable components produced according to your specifications and budget.

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Plastics molding is one of the fastest, most efficient processes for small and large production runs.

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We partner with top-of-the-line toolmakers to ensure accuracy throughout the entire process.

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Choose from a wide range of materials to meet your product design specifications.

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Low production costs per unit make plastics molding the perfect choice for intricate product designs.

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7F No. 137 Datong Road Sec. 2

Xizhi District, New Taipei City

Taiwan 22183